The A8 Matriline, which consists of sisters A28 (Havannah), born in 1974, and A42 (Sonora), born in 1980, and A42's children A66 (Surf), 1996, and A79 (Current), 2004.

A9 Eve F:1937-1990
A9 washed up on a beach at Donegal Head on Malcolm Island in Johnstone Strait in November 1990, her stomach containing 5 litres of fish bones representing 59 individual fish from 13 different species. In addition to 19 individual salmon het found 15 lingcod, 7 species of sole and flounder, and species of sablefish, staghorn and great sculpin. The sculpin may have found their way into the whale in the gut of lingcod.
A8 Licka F:1953-2001

Licka (A8) was captured in December 1969 at Pender Harbour, together with her 2 year old calf Yake (no ID).
Licka was released but Yaka was kept and flown to Marine World Africa USA near San Fransisco.
A5 Top Notch M:1957-2000

A26 Foster M: 1971-2001

The father of A26 is R3
A28 Havannah F: 1974

A28 is one of the few females in the resident population that has been sexually mature for many years but has never been seen with a calf.
A42 Sonora F:1980

A42 has a new nick near tip of her dorsal fin.
A57 Kelkpa F: 1991-1996

A57 was found alone and very ill on the morning of 16 December 1996 ia a bay south of Powel River, BC. She died later that day. Necropsy results indicated that she died of erysipelas, a bacterial infection.
A66 Surf M: 1996

A79 Current ?:2004
